
Contact Us

Contact Information

For inquiries, please contact the project secretariat. 

+852 2363 6186

Ms. Lo

Online inquiry

Location of the Avenue

The Avenue is located along the eastern corridor of Kowloon Park in Tsim Sha Tsui and can be accessed through the Kowloon Park entrance.

Map of the Avenue

Opening Hours

Monday to Sunday: 5:00 AM – 12:00 AM



Exhibition: Free Entrance



Bus Routes


KMB Routes

1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 26, 208, 271, 1A, 13X, 35A, 41A, 270A, 281A, 259B, 268B,

269B, 81C, 87D, 98D, 98P, 296D, 219X, 224X, 234X, 260X, N216, N241, N271, N281


Citybus/New World First Bus Routes

A21, N21, N21A, N796





Tsim Sha Tsui Station A1

Walk along Nathan Road towards Jordan. Stay on the left side of the road ~ 5 minutes 


Jordan Station Exit D

Walk along Nathan Road towards Tsim Sha Tsui. Stay on the right side of the road ~ 5 minutes